Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

The OSC provides protection to investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices, to foster fair, efficient and competitive capital markets and confidence in the capital markets, to foster capital formation, and to contribute to the stability of the financial system and the reduction of systemic risk.

Specifically, the OSC works to protect investors by making and enforcing rules governing the securities industry in Ontario.

Contact us

You can contact the Inquiries and Contact Centre of the Ontario Securities Commission if you have a question or complaint about a company, an investment product, or the conduct of your financial representative.

The team can answer your questions in over 200 languages.

Contact us

Local (Toronto)


Toll-free (North America)




Fax (Questions & complaints)




The Inquiries and Contact Centre will answer your questions and may refer your complaint or inquiry to another branch at the Ontario Securities Commission.

We can help


GetSmarterAboutMoney.ca is an Ontario Securities Commission website that provides independent and unbiased information and financial tools to help you make better decisions about your money.

Here you will find information on investing basics, the different types of investment accounts available in Canada, and questions to ask before you choose an investment.

GetSmarterAboutMoney.ca also has calculators, worksheets and quizzes to help you make better informed investment decisions for you and your family.